

Feminism Once Again Revealed in its True Colors

Here is a complete YouTube playlist with three videos in a row.  You will want to study this very, very closely. The woman you will meet here -- Renuka Chaudhary -- is the closest thing to a "quintessential" feminist that you will ever encounter. Everything that feminism may be usefully defined as, is here boiled down to its elements and embodied in a solitary individual. Renuka Chaudhary is a one-woman microcosm for ALL of feminism, and when you study her behavior you will understand how feminism as an ideology and as a movement operates at all times and places, worldwide.

To avoid confusion, I should stress that although not every self-declared feminist is quite like Renuka Chaudhary, feminism as a social organism runs almost exactly according to the template established in the behavior of this Indian government minister. That is to say, feminism as a global hive mind, in the composite average of its effects, is Renuka Chaudhary writ large.

As you will see, feminism is a movement to gain every possible advantage for women and to crush men indifferently if they stand in the way. Renuka Chaudhary is not apparently one of those feminists who favor male genocide, but the difference between her and them is only a matter of degree.

The feminist future offers nothing but more of what you see here, so it ought to be clear that no man with a shred of self-respect or any care for his self-preservation should regard feminism as anything but his enemy. And don't waste your time sorting out the good feminism from the bad. Anything that is "good" about feminism has always been a part of the world whether "feminism" existed or not, and will continue to be available if feminism ever goes out of existence. 

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