

Divorce Feminist Style

Here we see a woman hiring a hitman to kill her husband, whom she was in the process of divorcing. Listen to her -- she sounds like she's just hiring some guy to clean the gutters or do some landscaping. Anyhow, she figured this was the easiest, least complicated way to take care of business. Little did she know that the "hitman" was an undercover Michigan State Police detective.

She comes across wholesome, innocent and ordinary . . . doesn't she?  Just like people we've all known, eh? You never can tell about humans, can you?

But you know, she DOES mention that it is going to "break her heart", and I'm sure that a man would never have said that. After all, women do have that special capacity for deeper feeling which men haven't got because they are simply not capable of it.  Right?

Here is the link to an article with an additional video you can watch:

Oh, one more thing. Never forget that Not All Women Are Like This!

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