

Wednesday’s Workout| Tone Your Arms in 10 Minutes

wednesday workout tone your arms

Now I know I have been concentrating these Wednesday workouts on my abs, bum and legs recently because that is the area I’m working on at the moment. However the other week, my legs and tum could not take any more squats or crunches so I decided to find an arm workout and came across Cassey’s Workout “Victoria Secret Angel Arm Slimming Workout.” At first I wasn’t so sure but after the first couple of workouts my arms really started to burn. Cassey gives you simple moves to complete but makes you repeat them for at least 30 seconds… now that is a long time to be lifting a weight and you soon feel the burn. However as always Cassey is super motivating and encourages you complete every rep.

This has quickly become one of my favourite arm workouts and I am yet to complete it all the way through without taking a mini break. It is only 10 minutes long, so give it ago. You won’t regret it and if you do is a couple of times a week, you will soon really notice the difference in the tone of your arms as your arms are one of the easiest areas to build muscle and tone.

As always, let me know if you give it ago! Have to ever tried the Blogilates workouts before? Which one is your favourite? What other workouts do you recommend for your arms?

Go check out Christina’s gorgeous blog Kimi and Me for fashion, lifestyle and all things pretty.

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