

Bell Hooks Book - Free Download

"Feminism is for Everybody" by the feminist writer Bell Hooks, can be downloaded as PDF from the following link:

Yes, I do read feminist books! Yes, I do know what feminism is! So don't ever tell me to "read feminist books", and don't ever tell me that I don't know what feminism is.

Yes, in case you haven't figured it out, I am a strong believer in the maxim of  "know your enemy".

Quite a few wet-behind-the-ears, bushytailed young feminists have breathlessly urged me to "read Bell Hooks", under the impression that this would somehow make me "see the light" regarding feminism. Well, I have indeed read a number of Bell Hooks books, and the sky looks darker than ever. Sorry 'bout that, bushytails!

But I'm on a roll now. So, if you ever had a hankering to read every book Andrea Dworkin ever published, you can get all fourteen of them free, here:

I confess that I have only read about 7 of them. Does that mean I should shut up about feminism altogether until I have read all fourteen of them?

Finally, here is the landmark essay by Audre Lorde, titled "The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House.":

Know your enemy.

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