

Monday’s Meal| Low Fat Peanut Butter Bars


low fat peanut butter barchocolate and peanut butter squareschocolate and peanut butter squares 1-tile

As you may or may not know (I do talk about it a lot) I have a big sweet tooth! My biggest weakness is chocolate; which is not only full of calories but full of saturated fat! So when I found the simple recipe above in my beloved Women’s Health Magazine I knew I had to try it!

The recipe is for a “Low-Fat Peanut Butter Bar” and tastes like a snickers bar. What drew me to the recipe was that it would satisfy my sweet tooth, but mainly because it is home-made so I know there a no hidden nastys in it, plus it can be eaten in a number of ways. You can chop it up into 9 bite sized pieces to take as a snack, or you could crumble it up and top Greek Yoghurt with it. You can choose to make it with or without the dark chocolate, either way it is very simple.

You will need; 100g caster sugar, 85g honey, 95g reduced fat, natural, peanut butter, 95g of puffed rice, and a couple squares of dark chocolate.

Simply melt the sugar, honey and peanut butter in a pan; add the chocolate squares (if you are using them) and mix until melted. Add the puffed rice into the pan and mix until it is all coated. Press the mixture into a mold and allow it to set in the fridge for atleast two hours. Once set, cut into 9 bite sized pieces.

Estimated Nutritional Content- 147 Calories, 23g Carbs, 5.3g Fat, 2.9g Protein

Snickers Bar- 250 Calories, 33g Carbs, 12g Fat, 4g Protein.

So if you decided to make your own Low Fat Peanut Butter Bars rather than grab a Snickers Bar, you will save yourself 103 calories and6.7g of fat! To put it into perspective, if you swap your weekly Snicker Bar for a Low Fat Peanut Butter Bar you would save yourself 5356 calories in the year; which could save you from putting on 1.5 pounds in the year! Smart snacking matters!

What are your favourite healthier versions of traditionally calorie and fat laden snacks? Link me up with recipes… I would love to try them! Would you ever give this recipe a try?

Be sure to check out Gaby’s gorgeous blog; Another Girly Blog- Full of beauty, lifestyle and Fashion.

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