

November 1 is Stop Violence Against Men Day

Here we go again! Every first day of the month is Stop Violence Against Men day.

So we take this occasion to share a few words that are fitting, in the hope that some will reflect upon them and pass the idea along to others who will pass it along again.

In our feminist culture, we hear plenty of talk about "violence against women", and everywhere you turn, it seems like there is a campaign of some kind to "raise awareness" of this.

And yet, hardly anybody talks about violence against men. Hardly anybody seems to think it is important to raise any awareness of that issue, do they?

Well this certainly shoots a hole in the feminist ideas of "patriarchy", and "male privilege" and "misogyny", wouldn't you say?

Women are oppressed, as the feminists never tire of repeating, and yet. . . . we live in a society which is full to the brim with special perks and programs for women! I'd call that ironic at the very least, and when you consider that our society is NOT full to the brim with perks and programs for men, the irony is twofold.

Mind you, we are not complaining about this. It is not so much the double standard which perturbs us, but rather the unmitigated gall of declaring that women are "oppressed", and then blaming men for it!

That, yes THAT. . .  is what makes us boil!

We shall see you again on December 1, a month from now. On that date, we'll have something to say about the White Ribbon Campaign. Until then, take care, and spread the meme.

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