

Pamper Sunday

So tonight I had a little pamper night, after my hard day at work.
I finally unpacked my Lush box that I got for Christmas, and inside found two bath bombs/ fizzers and a bath bar. I decided to use the Santa bomb... better late than never! The aroma is really nice, quite fruity, but still relaxing, and it turned the water a bright orange.
So I had a lovely long bath while reading my Cosmo magazine and painting my nails a lovely metallic silver, and being covered in my mud mask
I think people should pick up Cosmo magazine this month, some great articles that make you stop and think, my two favourite are one on UK citizens being duped into trafficking abroad. The other article is about Sugar Daddy websites, and the girls who use them... a very interesting read. 

I hope you all had a lovely relaxing sunday also!

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