

A Campaign for You!

Please go to the following page and make your assessment of what is happening there. Then, if it seems right to you, tell those people what you think about the rotten, man-hating poison which they are pumping into the world like raw sewage:

Aoirthoir An Broc got in their face pretty keenly, and they blocked him in ten minutes. Here, in his own words, is how he earned the honor:
"Aoirthoir An Broc  - Notice...all I did was go down the posts and say.. this post is gender neutral..good..this post is her telling her own story so it doesn't need to be gender neutral..good .. this post is yet another one showing men as sexual abusers and ignoring all the female sexual abusers, it is gendered..

"For this I was banned. Notice...I was pointing out their duplicity."
And this, also from him:
"When a girl tells her story I say nothing. I am talking only about GENERIC posts that label men as abusers and females as victims when there are no reverse posts whatsoever..the reverse posts MUST be in euqal number...

"No post that shows a bunch of women with with signs on their faces that say mother, wife, daughter, aunt, and the caption saying that she raped ... not a one.

"Notice too how they say that a SEPARATE site devoted to my points would be good.. WHY are WE MALE victims NOT allowed on sites about victimization of sexual predators? WHY NOT?

"We DO have separate sites for this and for having sites dedicated to male sexual abuse we hear "why not the women!" and we hear "YOU ARE A HATE MOVEMENT"

"So long as we are excluded from the GENERIC conversation on abuse of males and rape victims we will be further exploited."
So that's the way to do it -- point out their duplicity! That gets under their skin.

But oh, the magic of sharing a link. I shared this one earlier today, and minions came swarming to gave those people merry hell -- even though many of their posts have been deleted. But let's not stop now. Let's keep it rolling, chums!

And here is their e-mail address, in case you have any use for it:

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