

Friends, We Taught Them a Lesson!

Our social heat and pressure campaign against the NoProject, conducted only yesterday, has borne fruit. The offending, pustulently anti-male and anti-father graphic image, was removed. The following link formerly took you to the picture in question, but now it takes you to . . . . zippity-doo-dah! ;)

I must say, I'm right proud to be the one who pushed the first domino.

I'm sure that in the future, these people will be a shade more circumspect about launching anti-male memes into the world. I think they've gotten the message that slamming and sliming men is unacceptable, especially in the political context we've got nowadays.  So I reckon we've made the world a shade less toxic for men and maleness. A small victory, but victory it truly is!

I 'd recommend archiving the accompanying image for the sake of fond memories!

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