

False Rape Accusation Caught on Video

I understand that this video is in process of going viral, and I thought I'd give it a little extra boost, here and elsewhere. The scenario, as I'm sure you'll agree, is archetypal and classic.

The gallant dudes are hypnotized by her boobs. They're the ones who want to be porking this flagrant little actress, and if that means betraying another man (a competitor, you know!), well, so be it! I believe this epitomizes most (though not all) of the gynocentrist male psychology. The pro-feminist lefties, and the conservative white knights, are identical in their biological underpinnings -- although they doll it up with different intellectual trimmings.  But both groups are fine with betraying other men.

The feminists, deep in their psychological guts, understand this male psychology to perfection -- and they capitalize on it in a thousand ways, both personal and political.

Elite males, at the top of the power pyramid, also understand these things in a global way, and know just how to exploit it all, in order to keep the entire population on lockdown.

In the end, it's not about men OR women. It's the whole human race that's rotten.

But smile, my friend. We're better! ;)

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