

Life #3


lifestyle blog 3-tile

What a busy two weeks I have had! As you will all know by now I have recently changed jobs and moved to a whole new area. So as with all change, life always feel a little up in the air for some time, however now that Matt and I have been in our house for a week tomorrow, we are starting to feel a bit more settled.

Last week was an exciting week for me as it was my first little business trip with my new job. I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to southern England and visit a number of hotels the company I work for own. I feel very much like I have had a crash course in the business I work for, as my first month has been very busy. It was great to get out of Head Office and get to know the hotels and staff that I will be working for.   The top four photos detail my trip; hotels rooms, conference rooms and incredible food (not great for the waistline)!

I had a very rare free day last weekend so had a great BootCamp session in the morning and took the train up to Carlisle to visit my family. It was great to spend even a little time with them and get up to date with them and the dog.

This past Monday was moving day. We managed to cram all our belongings into a van and our car and travelled the 50 miles south to our new home. Moving didn’t go without a few mishaps; we did buy a brand new three piece suit which wouldn’t fit into our Living Room which resulted in me having a mini breakdown. However after some gentle persuasion from my mum we decided to make the Living Room the Dining Room and the Dining Room the Living Room, which meant the three piece suite could stay. After moving in I have spent the past few days pinning everything and anything I want for my house. I don’t think my Pinterest has ever been so active!

I am also glad to be back in some kind of routine. With no commuting and no business trips this week, I have been able to get back on board with my meal planning. I have still been exercising but diet is more hard to control when you are on the move and not able to prepare all your meals. So now I am back in a routine I am spending today planning all my meals for the week ahead and making a fresh go at my health and fitness to get back on track for my Christmas Countdown.

Photo 11 of the t-shirt had to be included as I love it! this very much signifies my running technique… I’m not the quickest but at least I’m running. Some days I can run forever, others I struggle with even 200 metres. However now I am in a new area I have been lacing up my trainers and exploring my new town the best way you can; by pounding the pavement. I am a strange runner as I much prefer to run on a cooler evening than a warm day…. the cool breeze on my face and crisp air means I don’t over heat and perform better… anyone else agree with me?

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