

Eric Rubs Ryjin's Nose in It!

The sneaking, lying Ryjin Vanderhoek gets shish-ke-bobbed by Eric Duckman in this video.  Eric has known Ryjin personally - they were friends in the past, during Eric's left-wing protester days. Let's just say that Eric has told me a few things about Ryjin, and leave it at that. . .

We cannot stress too highly that feminists lie, lie and then come back and lie again. And when they are not lying they are twisting, distorting, flinging mud, making wild accusations, and pulling stuff out of their ass. Can we ever make these people walk the straight-and-narrow? No, probably not. That is discouraging news in a way, but in a different way it is liberating. We know exactly where we stand and who we are dealing with, so we can make plans accordingly and proceed to stage two tactics.

Of course, Ryjin Vanderhoek is not just strictly a "feminist" per se, but more a member of the general left/progressive community which allies itself with feminism. However,  please note that progressives are cut from a very similar cloth as feminists in terms of their overall psychology and behavior. Simply stated, they lie a lot just like feminists do, and they mask a totalitarian proclivity beneath a facade of angelic rhetoric.

Ryjin overlooked, or deliberately failed to mention, that the bulk of pro-male activists on planet Earth are in India - and while they tend to be hetero and male and . . uh...cis,  they are certainly not "white", unless I am missing something here. I wish Eric had dinged Ryjin on that point also!

Not that it really matters by the end of the day, because the non-feminist population of planet earth encompasses every skin tone under the sun. I would make bold that the pale-complexioned ones are the minority of that number - but this does not stop feminists and their allies from skewing the facts conveniently by "erasing" them where necessary. So it looks like we can add RACISM to the list of unsavory tricks which feminists and their allies incorporate into their "praxis."  Undermining the human rights of men of color. Oh, yes. . . that has a ring to it!

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