

Thought for the Moment

By now, we have all heard about the feminist Krista Millburn - a.k.a. Femitheist - who has famously (and quite publicly) advocated castration, male genocide and the like. Having studied the Agent Orange Files pretty thoroughly, I can testify that the charming birds in THAT nest come fairly close to Krista, but don't quite make the grade. And even they had the good sense to keep their touching sentiments on the down-low.

Krista, on the other hand, has never been bashful about shoving her neotenic face directly into the world's face, and she has gathered over 11,000 YouTube followers. So I could almost say to the Radical Hub grrrlz, "hey, come on out, the water's fine!"

On my own YouTube channel, at last count, I had 1,101 subscribers - and you all know what I preach. Do I preach anti-female genocide, or hatred of women, in any form at all? You know perfectly well that I don't. So do you reckon I could get 11,000 subscribers if I commenced to preaching anti-female genocide and mandatory cliterodectomy? Maybe I  should give that stuff a whirl - ya think?

Seriously now,  you and I know damn straight that any male equivalent of Krista Millburn who dared stick his head up on the popular radar screen would get frog-marched unceremoniously over the nearest cliff. But wait, it gets better. Just try postering the slogan that "men's rights are human rights", or suggesting that violence against men should be stopped (as I recently did!) and watch the fun! Not only is it forbidden to preach violence against women, it is strongly discouraged to preach NON-violence against men!!

And when a man gets his penis sliced off and tossed into the in-sink-erator, people laugh outrageously on prime time television and get away with it. Note that I said "people" - that is a diplomatic choice of words, n'est-ce pas?

All right. Can anybody say societal hypocrisy that stinks to the high heavens?

Oh, and some people still have the colossal fucking gall to tell us that MISANDRY DOESN'T EXIST!

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