

The Speech that no Feminist will Make

I am not aware of any feminist anywhere who has actually 'squared up' to the reality of the Duke lacrosse case. Nary a one of them, to my knowledge, has come right out and made any speech such as the following:
"The Duke lacrosse false rape trial was a social disaster. It was a monstrosity, a dark hour in our history, a blot upon our name and a stain upon our honor. We feminists, along with the Gang of 88 and all political fellow-travellers, must apologize in a heartfelt manner to the Duke defendants and their families for the hateful, poisonous agitation that we feminists have made against them. Looking further, we feminists must apologize to ordinary decent people everywhere for ALL of the ugly fears, rancorous divisions, moral panics and other mental toxins that we have so wantonly spawned and spread throughout society for many years. Finally, we feminists fully deserve to get our collective ass kicked for being moronic twits, pompous windbags, nauseating hypocrites and idiotic drama queens—as we so sickeningly are and have always been!! Again, we bow our heads in abject shame, sorrow, and critical self-loathing. There is no excuse for us!"
Do you suppose they will ever come to any such mea culpa? Or must they be made to grovel??

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